Nepali Date Converter is tool that converts the Nepali Date from Bikram Sambat(BS) to Anno Domini (AD) and from AD to BS. It is a date converter between Bikram sambat B.S and Gregorian calendar (Anno Domini)(A.D). This tool is designed by Nepali Trends for the purpose of BS to AD and AD to BS date conversion purpose. This BA to AD Date Conveter and AD to BS date converter converts the Nepali Date (Bikram Sambat) from BS 2000 - 2089 and English Date (AD) from 1944 - 2022.
Nepali Date Converter is needed when you have to convert you birth date or other special date from Nepali to English or English to Nepali. In our daily life we pretty much use this tool for date conversion.
Almost all the date converter are same and works on same algorithm. We don not say that our date converter have extra amazing feature but we can say that out tool interface is way easier to user. We have tried to make is as simple as possible.
You can Convert Date from Bikram Sambat to AD (Nepali Date to English Date Conversion) and English Date to Nepali Date Conversion.