9 stages of losing New Year resolution 2022

9 stages of losing New Year resolution 2022

It is said, New Year brings new hopes and opportunities in life. So, many people make New Year resolutions for the entire year. But as the days pass, the progress and enthusiasm trickle down. So, here are the stages of losing New Year resolution. And, knowing these steps, you can find how you will end up quitting on your brand new resolution.

To make real change, you also need to change, and that’s why revolution comes in. Only a few people succeed, while the majorities are trapped in the vicious cycles of making the same resolutions each year. Well, we will tell you every single stages of losing New Year resolution 2022 and how you will end up from where you started.

1. Boasting over social Media

No matter whether you achieved New Year resolutions, boasting over social media about it is expected. So, firstly you will upload resolution on social media platforms so that everyone can know you are in action this year. After all, everyone, including hundreds of known and unknown followers, needs to hear about your resolution.

stages of losing New Year resolution 2022

2.Updating others with your implausible action

The second stage of losing New Year resolution 2022 is showing off around social media that you are following all your revolutions. If your resolution is to lose weight, your workout videos should be on social media. Otherwise, how would they know you are making efforts?

Updating other- stages of losing New Year resolution 2022

3. Stages of loosing New Year Resolution-Being pretentious about loving a new lifestyle

Within a week or in days, you will feel less motivated than the day you announced with others. However, you will drain all your enthusiasm to continue your resolutions. After all, you do not want to fade decisions that can turn over a new leaf in your life.

So, you try your best to block all the emotions and thoughts against revolution by frequently reminding yourself you are enjoying what you are doing. But, deep inside, you are not, and you know that. So, you forcibly motivate yourself to love and accept a new lifestyle of your own choice.

Being pretentious- stages of losing New Year resolution 2022

4.     Start skipping saying it’s the last time.

Another essential stage of losing New Year resolution 2022 is when you actually start skipping work out or not following a diet plan some days to reward your dedication. You don’t even realize you are becoming the same version when you skip casually.

5. Stages of losing New Year resolution-You become flexible on your own revolutions.

It is one of the stages of losing New Year resolution. It is the phases when you step from ‘this is the last time’ to occasionally repeat the same old habit to get rid of your ideal revolutions. At, this stage you let yourself break the new routines and habits.

6. Keep lying that you got a new balance in life.

Till now, you have not given up on your revolution. You have started losing track from no junk foods to frequent having them. So, you calm yourself by moving with the flow in life at this stage.

At this stage, you feel entangled by your terms and conditions. You decide to throw situations you have prepared as they hinder your happy everyday life. And nothing important than comfortable living.

7. Stages of loosing New Year Resolution-Re-scheduling

At this point, you lose entirely track set from resolutions and start postponing everything for tomorrow. You start believing that you can make a fresh start by tomorrow but that rarely comes. So, it is one of the stages of losing New Year resolution 2022

8.     Complete acceptance

There will be no resolution, no new hope for change at this stage. You altogether quit what you have started.

9.     The New Year will again come next year.

The last stages of losing New Year Resolution 2022 is when you settle and prepare for next year to come hoping to get a different kick. The idea of continuing the same resolutions next year will make you feel better in the coming months.

Will start again- stages of losing New Year resolution 2022

These are the 9 steps to how you will fall from your New Year resolution 2022.

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