NEB Grade 11 Supplementary Exam Result 2076 – Check Online Result

National Education Board NEB

National Examination Board (NEB), Sanothimi Bhaktapur has published the Supplementary Exam Result 2076 (Grade Improvement) of Class 11. The examination was held on Kartik 30, 2076 and Mangsir 01, 2076. Students who have appeared as a regular examinee in the grade XI examination conducted in 2076 BS and were absent or got ‘D+’ / ‘D’ / ‘E’ grade in one subject participated in the Grade improvement examination. 

Previously the results of Grade 11 and Grade 12 examination used to be published in Percentage but from the past few years, NEB has introduced the letter grading system for Grade 11 and 12 Results.

The Grade XI and XII Result come out in the form of GPA (Grade Point Average), with the highest GPA being 4.00. The GPA is based on the percentage of each of the subjects (Average of Theory and Practical Marks). The Grading system has been introduced to motivate students as they don’t get a “failed” grade like in the percentage system of scores.

How to Check Grade XI Result With Mark Sheet?

From Edusanjal website 

Website –

edusanjal is the leading education portal of Nepal has been the official result publishing partner of the National Examination Board (NEB). 

From Nepal Telecom (NTC) 

Website – 


Type your symbol number (Example:- 17300927) & DOB (2055/09/19) in the input box above and click submit
Your grade sheet will appear on the screen

From IVR System (From PSTN and CDMA phones)

Dial 1601 and follow the instructions


Type NEB {SPACE} Symbol number and send it to 31003. For example; Type “NEB 1234567890” and send SMS to 31003.

Grading Point Avarage (GPA) Table

Interval in PercentageGRADEDescriptionGPA
70-80B+Very Good2.8-3.2
30-40D+Partially Acceptable1.2-1.6
Below 20EVery Insufficient0-0.8

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