Angel Rai holds the title of Miss Rai 2018 title followed by Prabha Rai first runner up, Shradha Rai second runner up and Pabitra Rai third runner up. There were all together 15 participants in Miss Rai 2018 competition this year. The grand finale of the event held in Rastriya Nachghar Jamal on Wednesday 7th of February.
She became the winner among the top 6 participants. Angel Rai, Prabha Rai, Shradha Rai, Sisam Rai, Srijan Rai and Pabitra Rai managed to grabbed the top 6 position.
The Miss Rai beauty pageant was organized by किराँत राई मौलिक कला संस्कृत केन्द्र . The theme of the pageant is built to explore young talent, preserve and uplift Kiranti tradition, culture, language in the country.
A big congratulation from Nepali Trends!