Himesh Panta wins the first-ever comedy champion show “The Comedy Champion”. The legendary icons of Nepali comedy, both Madan Krishna Shrestha and Hari Bansa Acharya handed over the cash prize and key to Himesh Panta. The top three contestants were Khadga Bahadur Pun Magar, Suman Koirala, and Himesh Panta.
Himesh, originally from Dhading made all the way to final in the Comedy Champion by giving a very strong performance in from the first episodes. He was, however, dragged into controversy because of one of his dialogue. Later he apologized for his performance.
With that Himesh becomes the first comedy champion of Nepal. We wish him a very big congratulations!!!
Prizes For Champion
Cash Prize – 2500,000
100,000 Cash prize from DeeVan Unisex Saloon.
Datsun Redi Go Car
World Tour Gift Voucher – for all three contestants.
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