5 Amazing Health Benefits of Pomegranate as per Nutritionists

Amazing health benefits of Pomegranate

Pomegranate fruit can be pretty intimidating for someone as hard rind has to be removed, keeping the juicy seeds intact. But, the seeds are packed with nutrients thus have many health benefits of pomegranate fruit. You can eat the delicious seeds directly by sprinkling them on a salad or with oatmeal. Either way, you can equally get all the health benefits of Pomegranate seeds.

Even nutritionists and dieticians suggest including readily available pomegranate into our diet for complete nutrition. However, people used to have these fruits centuries before without knowing their health benefits. According to nutritionists, if you haven’t known about it, here are the 5 amazing health benefits of Pomegranate.

5 amazing health benefits of Pomegranate

1.     Loaded with tons of nutrients

Pomegranate fruit contains hundreds of juicy edible seeds, rich in fiber, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Both seeds and Pomegranate peels have several health benefits because of enriched nutrient contents. Even the plant parts have medicinally rich properties.

The sweet juicy seeds have an impressive nutrient profile. A half-cup of Pomegranate seeds provides 72 calories along with these nutrients:


carbohydrates 27 grams
Sugar 89 g
Fiber 5 grams
Potassium 205 milligrams
Vitamin C 9 mg
Vitamin K 3 mg


2.     Health benefit of Pomegranate- Improves gut health

Fiber-rich foods are always great for a healthy digestive system. And, Pomegranates are also enriched in fiber content. Therefore, nutritionists suggest eating 25- 28 grams of Pomegranate seeds daily if you have a problem like constipation. The fibers in it will surely improve your gut health.

If your goal is to increase fiber intake in the body, then Pomegranate juice won’t do good because only seeds contain fiber.

3.      Help in preventing heart-related diseases

One of the heath benefits of Pomegranate seeds is it keeps heart healthy. Sweet juicy Pomegranate is a rich source of antioxidants. Thus, these antioxidants help in body cell and tissue rejuvenation by protecting them from free radical damage. Similarly, the protective properties present in pomegranate prevent damage from cholesterol. Furthermore, it enhances blood circulation to the heart, thus considered effective for heart disease patients. So, daily consumption of Pomegranate boosts our heart health.

The question arises how much to take? Well, according to a study on high blood pressure patients in 2013, daily intake of 150ml of Pomegranate juice has been found effective in lowering the blood pressure within two weeks.

health benefits of Pomegranate- prevent heart diseases
health benefits of Pomegranate- prevent heart diseases

4.      Health benefits of Pomegranate – diabetes management

Diabetes has become a global health issue due to unhealthy lifestyles and eating habits even among the youths. However, you can prevent the disease only by regularly having pomegranate seeds or juice, as per nutritionists.

Even a study on people with type 2 diabetes concluded that drinking only 50 ml of concentrated juice daily increases insulin resistance in the body. Also, it assists in increasing the high-density lipid, i.e. good cholesterol, in type two diabetic patients, thus reducing the heart-related problems in them. Besides, it does equally suitable for people other than type 2 diabetes conditions. So, have them regularly to get all the health benefits of Pomegranate seeds

health benefits of Pomegranate- diabetes management
health benefits of Pomegranate- diabetes management

5.     Anti-inflammatory properties

One of the health benefits of Pomegranate seeds is that they are a rich source of anti-inflammatory compounds such as Vitamin C. Thus, they will help prevent inflammation in the heart. They also assist in minimizing the risk of severe diseases such as diabetes and cancer.

Moreover, the anti-inflammatory properties of Pomegranate slower down the neurodegenerative disorders, thus preventing us from Alzheimer’s disease.

 Bottom line

Hidden juicy Pomegranate seeds inside think bitter rinds are not only tasty but also packed with several nutrients. But, don’t get it wrong, as Pomegranates will give magical health benefits instantly. However, regular uptake has proven to promote a healthy heart and better digestion. Therefore, be consistent in adding the seeds to your diet to get the amazing health benefits of Pomegranate.

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